
companies active in the Vaasa region as well as their products and services. The directory can be found here: Business and service directory. Read our brochure (in Swedish and Finnish)…

Registration for preschool education

…on your personal computer. Children born in 2016 will begin preschool education in the autumn of 2022 in a local preschool. The preschool is free of charge and is arranged…

Plots at Fågelberget for the circular economy

…the new part of Fågelberget will become a test area for advanced environmental technology where raw material logistics already exist from before. There is also plenty of room for business…


…or any other comparable hazard or harm (prohibition on littering) pursuant to section 72 of the Waste Act (646/2011). The person responsible for littering is primarily obliged to tidy up…

Start a company in Korsholm (Mustasaari)

…In addition there is both a port and a train station only a relatively short distance away. The road connections in all directions are also good. Well-planned business parks are…

Invoicing and connection fees

…base and point pricing according to the price list. The connection fee is determined according to the property’s intended use, size, water consumption and service. A water connection for a…

Indoor environment

A good indoor environment is important for human wellbeing. You should not become ill from the environment you live in! The Health Protection Act (763/1994) (in Swedish and Finnish) means…

Areas outside public sewer networks

…If you wish, you can use the form made by the Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA). The completed investigation must be saved on the property and, if necessary, be shown,…