Available business plots

Available properties and plots in the Vaasa region can be searched here:

Vaasan seudun toimitilat ja tontit

Application process

Vacant plots can be reserved through an application process. To initiate the process, please fill in the following application form:

The reservation of plots is confirmed either by the public works committee (new plots and plots at Vikby II area) or by the decisions of local municipal officials (other plots). The reservation period is 12 months, during which time a building permit application must be submitted to the building inspectorate. Certain activities require an environmental permit, and in that case, the reservation period is 24 months.

For a reserved plot, a reservation fee of 50% of the annual ground rent is charged. The reservation fee is paid when the plot reservation decision takes effect. If an environmental permit is required, the reservation fee is paid in two instalments: 1,000 euros when the plot reservation decision takes effect and the rest when the plot has been reserved for 12 months. The reservation fee will be refunded when a lease agreement is concluded. The reservation takes effect when the plot reservation agreement has been signed and the reservation fee is paid.

When the building permit application has been submitted, a lease agreement is signed. The building permit can be granted only after signing the lease agreement.

New plots that have not been allocated before are advertised on the website of the municipality and in local newspapers.

Land tenure

Land tenure is acquired by signing the lease agreement. A plot reservation alone does not entitle an applicant a right to start construction work on the plot or otherwise use the plot.

Construction obligation

Anyone who rents a plot of land from the municipality undertakes to start the construction of a building there according to the local detailed plan, the municipal building ordinance and the approved drawings within three years of signing the lease agreement. The tenant cannot transfer an unbuilt plot to a third party.

Soil surveys

The municipality has not arranged for soil surveys to be carried out on the plots. A soil survey is paid for by the person who reserved the plot and may be carried out when the plot reservation agreement has been signed and the reservation fee has been paid.

Plan regulations

An applicant must be familiar with the plan symbols and regulations connected with the applied plot because these dictate, for example, what kind of building can be constructed on the plot. The plan symbols and regulations used in the local detailed plan must be followed. Additional information on construction is provided by the building inspectorate.