Established areas for public sewer networks

Areas for sewage services have been established by decision of the municipality. All properties in urban zones within these areas must connect to the public sewer network. The connection obligation applies directly or as soon as the connection point is ready for use by the water authority. For older properties within the network area, but outside urban areas, there may be the possibility for an exemption in the connection obligation. A connection may be necessary for such houses in connection with the next major building renovation or in the event of another major change. For buildings that do not have a water closet, there is also relief regarding the connection requirements. Maps of the different areas are available from the water authority.

It is possible to apply for an exemption from the connection obligation for the time being or for a certain period of time, in accordance with the Water Services Act (119/2001), which is decided by the West Coast Environmental Unit. The West Coast Environmental Unit decides on the request for properties in Korsholm, Kristinestad, Kaskö, Korsnäs and Närpes (Mustasaari, Kristiinankaupunki, Kaskinen, Korsnäs and Närpiö). Other municipalities within the jurisdiction of the West Coast Environmental Unit do not participate in the environmental protection cooperation. The criteria for exemptions are an insignificant need for the water utility services, financial reasons and that the discharge and treatment of the property’s wastewater is arranged in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act and that the exemption does not jeopardise appropriate water services within the area.