The different planning phases

Participation and assessment plan

The participation and assessment plan (PAP) presents the basic tasks of the planning project, i.e., what is the intention and objective of the plan, the course of the planning process and who can provide more information about the project. The plan is published for 14 or 30 days, during which time you have the opportunity to submit opinions on the plan to the planning department. An announcement informing that the PAP will be presented is published in the Vasabladet and Ilkka-Pohjalainen newspapers and in the Municipal Office Building, Centrumvägen 4, Korsholm. The material is also available on the municipality’s website, submitted plans (in Swedish and Finnish).

Draft plans

In the draft plan phase, a map of the plan is presented and in most cases also a draft plan description. The contents of the map of the plan are explained in the draft plan description. The draft is presented for 14 or 30 days, during which time you have the opportunity to submit opinions on the draft. An announcement is published in the Vasabladet and Ilkka-Pohjalainen newspapers and the Municipal Office Building, Centrumvägen 4, Korsholm. The material is also available on the municipality’s website, submitted plans (in Swedish and Finnish). If necessary, public meetings are also arranged regarding planning projects.

Plan proposals

The plan proposal phase consists of a map of the plan and a plan description with appendices. The proposal is published for 30 days and then you have the opportunity to submit comments. An announcement is published in Vasabladet and Ilkka-Pohjalainen and in the Municipal Office Building, Centrumvägen 4, Korsholm. The material is also available on the municipality’s website, submitted plans (in Swedish and Finnish)..


Local master plans and local detailed plans are mainly approved by the Municipal Council. Local detailed plans with minor impacts on surroundings can be approved by the public works committee. The plans come into force if no appeals are submitted to the Vaasa Administrative Court during the appeal period or, after the administrative court / Supreme Administrative Court has rejected the submitted appeals.