Indoor environment

A good indoor environment is important for human wellbeing. You should not become ill from the environment you live in! The Health Protection Act (763/1994) (in Swedish and Finnish) means that homes and other indoor spaces regarding air purity, temperature, humidity, noise, air exchange, light, radiation, and other corresponding conditions must be such that those who find themselves in dwellings or spaces are not caused a sanitary nuisance. Dwellings and other living spaces must also not contain animals or microbes in an amount that poses health risks.

Indoor air problems in dwellings are more common than you think. All organic matter can mould or rot under favourable moisture and temperature conditions. In a building structure, everything from the foundation and the floor to the walls and ceiling can be damaged by moisture and attacked by mould. The cause or causes may be structural defects, built-in moisture, or lack of maintenance.

Moisture damage should be repaired immediately when noticed. If the damage is not repaired, it can lead to microbial growth and possible sanitary nuisance.
Typical symptoms in people exposed to microbes include coughing, runny eyes, headaches, or rashes. If these symptoms disappear when changing the environment, there may be problems in the home or in the premises where you have been staying.

When you enter premises that are damaged by moisture or mould, you can sometimes feel a musty smell. Moisture damage causing problems with indoor air quality often occurs in wet areas or in connection with leaking pipes.