Smedsby Orienteering
Discover Smedsby on an orienteering course
Did you know that there are scouts, a talking arc and a square in Smedsby? The centre of Korsholm has got a picture map with an orienteering course for all ages. The course is around 3 km, with start and finish on Elly Sigfrids’ square. If 1 km is enough for you, you can pick the controls 1, 2, 3 and 4, and then return to the square (dashed line on the map).
The control points were selected by Vasa-Korsholm guider.
The picture course was made for Elly’s market 24.5.2024. The spots can be visited all around the year. Thank you for respecting the traffic rules and everyone that you meet in the village.

Start & Finish: The square and the annual market are named after parlamentarian Elly Sigfrids. Find out more about Elly (in Swedish) at Wikipedia and Biografiskt lexikon för Finland. Her sister Astrid Wikman is a retired teacher and active senior and music leader.

Control 1: Korsholm has a history dating back to 1348 and was re-established in 1973. Carola Lithén heads the executive board and lives in the next block from the municipal building in Smedsby.

Control 2: The church in the middle of the village. In here, there is space for everyone. Vicar Anne Visser-Keltto and pastor Miika Kallio offer services in Finnish.

Control 3: The Seniors’ point is where pensioners and people of all ages meet feel at home. Coordinators Diana Enlund and Anette Hästbacka invite you in.

Control 4: The Apple Valley attracts many visitors. Adina Järveläinen has found the control under the talking arc.

Control 5: The youth association Smedsby uf is well known for its revues. Mikael Gädda has been involved since 1984.

Control 6:The local cultural association Smedsby hembygdsförening hembygdsförening cares for the museum area by Holmska gården, Axelas, where the scouts of Ahjopartioalso gather.

Bonus control: Next to the road, a hundred metres from the local cultural association, Smedsby’s first school was built by the citizens. In 1976, it was moved to Stundars museum village.

Control 7: The education campus will be Ostrobothnia’s largest. Jane Trygg-Kaipiainen has worked for new spaces for students. She is a retired teacher, author and co-editor of the website On the playground, Sofia and Nathalie Granfors and Edward and Adrian Buss.

Control 8:In the house of culture, the library and the adult education centre flourish. The library services are free, including a seed library and a sports equipment library. The adult education centre offers non-formal adult education in a variety of subjects, open to everyone. Head of library services Maria Kronqvist-Berg and rector Monika Fröjdö wish you welcome.


Annika Granfors-Loo and Nina Buss from Fotoklubben Knäppisarna and the neighbouring village Böle have photographed the control points and people in Smedsby.

The orienteering map is made by Otto Sund, who has grown up in Smedsby and the club IF Femman, that offers you adventures and activities all around the year.
Warm thanks to the Aktiastiftelsen foundation in Korsholm, the municipality of Korsholm and everyone that has contributed to realising the Smedsby orienteering and the picture map.

Welcome on a guided tour in the neighbourhoods with us – Vasa-Korsholm guider.