Looking for work?

If you do not have work, you can register as a jobseeker at the TE Services. The TE Office helps you with job-seeking. Vaasa – TE-palvelut 

You can contact the place where you would like to work. You can send them your job application even if there are no open jobs available right now. When you send your application, enclose your CV, in which you tell about yourself, your education and previous work experience. 

You can search for open jobs on the internet. The largest website is the TE Services’ Job Market Finland.  

Other job search websites


Oikotie työpaikat 

Jobs | Jobly 

Career and jobs – Staffpoint

Kuntarekry – Open jobs 

Practical support and information available at 

Welcome Office – Services for Immigrants 

Employment coordinators at Korsholm municipality

Immigrant youths can get support for job seeking via the Federation of Special Welfare Organisations (EHJÄ ry)

Encouraging experiences

Our goal is to help youth aged 14–29 with immigrant background at all stages of job seeking. The starting point is the youth’s own motivation for job seeking and commitment to participate in our activities. Through these activities, we hope that the youth receive positive and encouraging experiences that encourage and inspire them to find their place in the working life.”  

Development Manager 
Mari Karjanlahti
046 922 6588

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