Entrance fees

  • Adults 6 €
  • Children 7 – 15- years 4 €
  • Children 0 – 6- years accompanied by an adult: free entrance
  • Students, seniors, conscripts and persons undergoing non-military service 4,50 €
  • Series wristbands (personal)
    • Adult / children / other
    • 10 admissions 48 € / 34 € / 38 € (valid 1 year from purchase)
    • 6 months 150 € / 85 / 90 €
    • 1 year pass 230 € / 145 / 150 €
    • Additional fee on the first purchase of wristband 5 €

Payment methods: bank card, credit cards, cash, employment benefits (Epassi, Tyky, Edenred, Smartum)