Environmental health control plan and fees

The Food Act, the Health Protection Act, the Tobacco Act, and the Medicines Act require the municipality to carry out planned and high-quality supervisory activity. The control plan considers national and EU legislation as well as the joint nationwide control programme for environmental health protection. The nationwide control programme contains a programme for nationwide food control and monitoring as well as a control programme for the Health Protection Act and the Tobacco Act. The content of the municipal control plan is determined by Government regulation. The control plan contains the health protection’s statutory tasks, goals as well as any areas of emphasis and prioritisation instructions. The control plan includes a plan for fee-based control and sampling. The control plan provides an assessment of the need for human resources, expressed in man-years, which is needed for planned inspections. The West Coast Environmental Unit has a control plan for environmental healthcare for the years 2020–2024. The plan was approved by the West Coast Supervisory Board on 15.12.2021 (§ 62).

Environmental healthcare price list

According to the Food Act, the Health Protection Act, the Tobacco Act, and the Medicines Act, the municipality shall charge fees to operators for inspections, sampling, and examinations. The fees are charged in accordance with the control plan approved by the supervisory board. Approval of objects, the processing of notifications, and supervision concerning failure to comply with regulations are also subject to a fee. The control fees may not exceed the cost of producing the service and thus constitute a price covering the costs of production. The hourly costs for supervisory staff have been calculated at 55 euros. The tariff for environmental healthcare was approved on 15.12.2021, § 61, by the West Coast Supervisory Board and applies from 1 January 2022.