Plots for detached houses

Plots for detached houses are offered for sale by Korsholm Municipality in local detailed plan areas and in areas around the municipality covered by land use plans.

The municipal engineering at plots in local detailed plan areas has already been built, while it may be lacking at plots in areas with land use plans.

Application process

Vacant plots can be reserved through an application process. The reservation of plots is confirmed in most cases by the decisions of local municipal officials. The reservation period is 10 months, during which time a building permit application must be submitted to the building inspectorate. When the building permit application has been submitted, a purchase agreement is signed. A reservation fee of 500 euros is charged to reserve a plot.

New plots that have not been allocated before are advertised on the website of the municipality and in local newspapers, and shared by the public works committee.

Applications can be submitted by e-mail to or sent by post in a sealed envelope to the Korsholm Municipality planning department, Centrumvägen 4, 65610 Korsholm.

Most plots are sold at a fixed price and can be applied for with this form

Application for a detached house plot (in Swedish)

Application for a detached house plot (in Finnish)

In some areas, plots are sold by tender. This is evident from the list of vacant plots where instead of a square metre price it says “tender”. The municipality reserves the right to reject tenders that are lower than the stated minimum price. Plots sold by tender can be applied for using the following form:

An applicant who has previously purchased a plot of land from the municipality cannot reserve a new one within 10 years of the plot being purchased. This does not apply if the previously purchased plot had been on offer for more than 5 years.

Plots for detached houses that have been on offer for less than 5 years can only be reserved by private individuals.

Anyone who buys a plot of land from the municipality undertakes to start the construction of a building there within three years of signing the purchase agreement.

The municipality has not arranged for soil surveys to be carried out on the plots. A soil survey is paid for by the person who reserved the plot and may be carried out when the plot reservation agreement has been signed and the reservation fee has been paid.

Most plots are sold as unbroken areas, which means that the plot must be cut out from the municipality’s residential zone through a surveying service where the buyer is responsible for the administrative costs. In some special cases, the municipality has had the plots cut out before they are distributed, and for such plots the municipality charges a property development fee of 1,000 euros when invoicing the purchase price of the plot.

The public purchase witness fee, transfer tax, legal costs and surveying fee are paid by the buyers.

Additional information about plots and the reservation process is provided by Tony Östersund. Additional information on construction is provided by the building inspectorate (in Swedish and Finnish).