Next year, TE services will become employment services organised by your municipality
This is what the historic reform will mean in the Vaasa Region.

Starting next year, individuals and businesses will receive advice and guidance on job search and recruitment from municipal employment services instead of the TE Office. The City of Vaasa is the municipality responsible for coordinating the Ostrobothnia Employment Area and organises employment services is collaboration with Kaskinen, Korsnäs, Laihia, Maalahti, Mustasaari, Närpiö, Uusikaarlepyy and Vöyri.
As of 1 January 2025, the TE Offices (State Employment and Economic Development Offices) will be abolished, and their services will be transferred to municipalities. At the same time, over 80 employment service experts will transfer from the Ostrobothnia TE Office to the City of Vaasa’s payroll. Employment services will become part of the municipality’s basic services, such as early childhood education and care.
– This historic reform opens up new opportunities for municipalities to promote employment. The vitality and competitiveness of the region will be strengthened when municipalities can develop employment services to respond directly to the needs of residents and local employers, says Juha Nummela, Director of the Ostrobothnia Employment Area.
What does change mean for clients?
The clients of the TE Office do not need to do anything, even if the service provider changes at the turn of the year. Both individuals and businesses will continue to have access to Job Market Finland (Työmarkkinatori) online services as usual. New clients should also register with Job Market Finland when seeking a job or an employee.
In Vaasa, employment services will continue to be provided at the same location as before, at the former TE Office in the Palosaari state office building. Information about the other offices in the Ostrobothnia Employment Area will be announced later in the autumn.
Throughout the autumn, the Ostrobothnia TE Office will keep its clients informed of the changes through its own communication channels.
Services are organised in collaboration in the Employment Area
As a result of the reform, Finland will have 45 new Employment Areas, each administratively responsible for organising employment services. The City of Vaasa is the municipality responsible for coordinating the Ostrobothnia Employment Area, which also includes the municipalities of Kaskinen, Korsnäs, Laihia, Maalahti, Mustasaari, Närpiö, Uusikaarlepyy, Vaasa, and Vöyri.
Regardless of the administrative organisation of employment services, residents will always be able to access these services through their home municipality. This means that guidance and advice will be provided in the same way as when you are seeking information on, for example, a building permit or a day-care placement.
Why are TE services transferred to municipalities?
The reform will bring employment services closer to clients, increasing both accessibility and effectiveness.
The aim is not just to transfer services and staff from the state to the municipalities, but to make employment services more effective. In the Ostrobothnia Employment Area, vocational education and training will be geared to better support local employment and business needs, integration in managing employment will be promoted, and municipalities will be strengthened in their role of actively attracting talent, including from outside Finland if necessary.
At the beginning of 2025, the reformed Integration Act will also enter into force, making municipalities responsible for promoting the integration of TE Office integration clients. This change will enhance the employment of immigrants and clarify the responsibilities of the parties involved.